Sion has decided that she wants to be the baby again so she gets more attention.

Welcome to the Moench Monastery. We meditate on our animal selves...

Super Tate!

Keri pics (what people really want to see)

Replacing the sink faucets and water shut-offs becomes a family project.

Sea World Parade!

Dad and Tate get soaked on the coaster

The sea birds here are pretty agressive

Carnival rides for everyone

Sion and Hana play in Elmo's playground

Keri has about as much fun as she can stand

We saw the dolphin show, which is now a dolphin/aquatic Cirque de Soleil show. Pretty Cool. The even have some big birds and pilot whales involved.

I think I'm turning Japanese. I think I'm turning Japanese. I really think so (think so, think so)




Keri doesn't have the Japanese clothes yet, but she is cute just as she is.

Hana trying to "cute" her way out of getting caught with her "Bubba" before bed time. (No Bubbas Before Bedtime!)

Is this punk enough for you? All she needs now is a tank.

Keri has decided that she gets the big bed, and we get the crib.

More pics in a few months......
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